Thursday, June 2, 2011


Masonic Gloves are considered as the works of the hands, therefore in this course, anything which pertains to Freemasonry, is regarded as its symbolism. The gloves given to the candidate are intended to teach him that the acts of a mason which should be pure and spotless just as the gloves given to him. In some countries like Germany, if a new person joins in then these gloves have been gifted to them. Similarly the king of France received a pair of gloves at their coronation. The consecrated hands of the king like that of bishop should not be soiled by touching impure things. After the ceremony, the Hospitaler burned the gloves, to prevent their later use for purpose of profane.

Masons love to wear the cotton gloves as they are skin friendly. But the youth of Masonic communities are now giving preference to leather gloves. Therefore, increasing demand of leather gloves has compelled companies to make leather gloves for masons. These leather gloves are not made from ordinary leather but it is now made from soft quality Real KID leather that do not scratch your skin and feel as good as cotton gloves. The benefit of covering hands with leather gloves are that it is water resistant and also dust does not catch easily. Also they are quick to wash it.

You can see the embossed emblem on the back of the Masonic gloves; these emblems belong to particular Masonic community. These emblems either are seen on printed form or embroidered form. The embroidered form is generally drawn out by machine. Few companies are soon going to launch hand embroidered emblem that is made from superior quality metallic thread known as Bullion. This bullion is used to manufacture the badges of government officials.

Gloves for masons are available in various colours, among that white is very common and popular colour. White colour is symbolized for purity, peace and virginity.
White is the favourite colour for Masons as it perfectly defines the work and symbol of freemasonry. But the drawback of white colour is that it easily becomes dirty and managing it is quite hard. Therefore, many new members are opting for black or other colours instead of white.

Masonic gloves can be purchased online but only few companies are there who will provide you Masonic gloves made from leather. For that you have to browse the internet intensely. Some websites features the measurement table and method for those Masons who are confused regarding their size of hands. If somebody is in need for unlike size or design then they can freely contact the customer services. Mostly, Masonic gloves manufacturing companies designs and supplies gloves around the globe, also they are open for business to customer and business to business marketing. You can also contact other people who already purchased Masonic gloves from the preferred websites and buy the gloves from certified buyers to save your money and precious time. Check whether parcel box is not being torn or damaged while shipping, so that you can politely replace and order new one.


Masons practiced brotherhood, tolerance, mutual respect for others, charity, care and belief in truth. A very significant symbol of freemasons or masons is the passing of Masonic symbols through generation to generation. These symbols can range from cufflinks to bookmarks, badges and even gloves. They can be just about anything passed on by your forefathers.

Masonic gloves are defined as the symbol of purity. When a new member joins to the community these gloves are gifted to particular member. Masons generally wear cotton gloves, as the first ever designed gloves for Masons were made up of cotton. Cotton gloves are perfect when it is used for long working hours because sweat comes out which is properly soaked by the cotton material. Use of nylon is also there in making Masonic gloves.

Masonic gloves made up of leather are becoming popular day by day. But gloves made up of leather are hard to find on the earth by Masons. If available then they are not found of the good quality leather, also they are very expensive. But now days there are few companies who try to solve the problems of the Masons, they manufacture the Masonic leather gloves made from Real Kid leather, which is quiet soft and cushy to wear. This leather is definitely not like the ordinary leather that cause too much sweating and itching. They are made with great care and comfort.

Masonic emblem appears to be high on the gloves, when one has on a tuxedo; the sleeves cover the emblem on the gloves. As we know every Masonic community represents its own emblem, so on the gloves also you can see the printed sign of the emblem. Embroidered emblem looks beautiful on the Masonic gloves especially white coloured gloves. But generally these are machine embroidered, soon you are going to see hand embroidered emblem on the Masonic gloves, which is made by high quality metal thread known as Bullion. This Bullion is used in making badges of government and army officials. So you can see now the embroidery patch that can be golden, brown, black or blue in colour.

White is the prominent colour for Masons as it perfectly defines the work and symbol of freemasonry. But the drawback of white colour is that it easily becomes dirty and it is quiet cumbersome to manage it. Black colour is now growing as the first choice among Masons. On the other hand Masonic gloves made up of leather are water resistant and are easily washable.

There are many online companies that manufacture Masonic gloves and supply it globally. These companies supply business to business and also business to customers. The benefit of buying online is that there are huge amount of variety of Masonic gloves available in number of colour options with measurable size of hand. If somebody wants their particular size or design then he or she should call the customer service that is available 24x7 and ask a quote without any kind of hesitation, they will surely help.